We are pleased to announce that the article entitled “Removal of clinically significant antibiotics from aqueous solutions by applying unique high-throughput continuous-flow plasma pencil and plasma brush systems”, which describes the possibility of using cold atmospheric plasma, applied in a plasma brush of a unique design, for the degradation of clinically relevant antibiotics from single- and multi-component solutions, was published in the Chemical Engineering Journal. This journal has the highest possible score from the Ministry of Education and Science, i.e. 200 points and an impact factor of 16.744.
The list of authors of the article: Dominik Terefinko, Magda Caban, Agata Motyka-Pomagruk, Weronika Babińska, Pawel Pohl, Piotr Jamroz, Piotr Cyganowski, Wojciech Śledź, Ewa Łojkowska, Piotr Stepnowski and Anna Dzimitrowicz.
The research was financed from the Sonata 15 project (2019/35/D/ST8/04107) implemented in a consortium between the Wrocław University of Technology (Leader) and the University of Gdańsk (Partner). The project manager on behalf of the Warsaw University of Technology is dr hab. eng. Anna Dzimitrowicz, project manager on the part of the University of Gdańsk is dr. Eng. Wojciech Śledź.
The results of the research work described in the publication are protected by an international patent application entitled “Method of degrading antibiotics from aqueous solutions by using cold atmospheric pressure plasma generated in a flowing plasma brush and a plasma brush intended for this method.” (PCT/PL2022/050027) from 2022-05-06.