We are celebrating 30 years of Laboratory of Plant Protection and Biotechnology!:)
We are extremely pleased to announce that this year we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Laboratory of Plant Protection and Biotechnology of Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk.
We would like to thank the Head of the Laboratory, Prof. Ewa Łojkowska for the opportunity to pursue our passions in a family atmosphere with constant help and support on the extremely satisfying, although sometimes difficult scientific career path.
Employees of ZOBR and the R&D Laboratory

Laboratory of Plant Protection and Biotechnology IFB UG & MUG: from the left prof. Ewa Łojkowska (head), MSc Alicja Dobek, PhD Anna Kawiak, PhD Joanna Jońca, MSc Izabela Perkowska, PhD Weronika Babińska-Wensierska, Prof UG Małgorzata Waleron, PhD Natalia Kaczyńska, PhD eng. Wojciech Śledź, PhD Agata Motyka-Pomagruk, PhD Anna Ihnatowicz

Graphics by Adela Rostek (adelasztukpieknych)