Best Poster Award at the Scientific Conference “Plant health in the era of current challenges”organized by the Polish Phytopathological Society
We are pleased to inform that during the scientific conference “Plant health in the era of current challenges” organized by the Polish Phytopathological Society in Warsaw 24-26 September 24-26, the Best Poster Award in the virology/bacteriology section was received by the presentation of research results prepared by the PhD student of prof. Ewa Łojowska and dr hab. Wojciech Śledź, namely mgr Michał Prusiński:)
The poster entitled “Application of silver nanoparticles obtained by green synthesis against quarantine and non-quarantine bacterial pathogens regulated in the European Union” was authored by Michał Prusiński, Jakub Orłowski, Agata Motyka-Pomagruk, Weronika Babińska-Wensierska, Anna Dzimitrowicz, Piotr Jamroz, Paweł Pohl, Ewa Łojkowska and Wojciech Śledź. The presented results form part of the doctoral thesis of mgr M. Prusiński and were obtained owing to the funding under the Pearls of Science programme.
AI, transfer of knowledge into business and development of entrepreneurship within the ERA-SHUTTLE project
Thanks to funding from the Era-Shuttle project granted under EU funds (Horizon Europe program), Dr. Agata Motyka-Pomagruk participated in the First Era-Shuttle Summer School organized from 9 to 13 September 2024 in Split, Croatia.
The topics discussed during the ERA-Shuttle Summer School focused on supporting the development of scientific careers using AI, effective technology transfer into business and stimulating entrepreneurship. In addition, Dr. A. Motyka-Pomagruk participated in inspiring sessions on EU programs designated for financing scientific research, proper management of intellectual property and suggested open access policy to the collected research data.
The acquired skills and the unique opportunity to establish contact with participants from the University of Gdańsk, University of Split and University of Malta, as well as business partners of the Era-Shuttle project also turned out to be extremely valuable.
See you at the next Era-Shuttle Summer School in Gdańsk! 🙂
Participants from University of Gdansk
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Active participation of the employees of R&D Laboratory in Biotech Week!
We are pleased to announce that R&D Laboratory was represented by Dr. Natalia Kaczyńska during Biotech Week, a week of practical workshops for high school students organized by the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk.
In the Biotech Week period, the employees and PhD students of IFB UG & MUG provided workshops for 2 classes of students each day, which gives about 360 participants during the whole event:)
Dr. Natalia Kaczyńska
Dr. Weronika Babińska-Wensierska about the marriage of science and passion for scuba-diving on the tró webpage
We are very pleased to inform you about the interest of local media in the research work of Dr. Weronika Babińska-Wensierska. This article has been published on the website tró in the series “Young Scientists from the Tri-City” – we encourage you to familiarize yourself with this inspiring material:)
Dr. Weronika Babińska-Wensierska
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professor Ewa Łojkowska was elected Chairwoman of the Biotechnology Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences
We are pleased to announce that professor Ewa Łojkowska was elected Chairwoman of the Biotechnology Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the 2024-2028 term.
The election of the chairwoman took place at the plenary meeting of the Biotechnology Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences on 26 May 2024. Due to appreciation of the scientific achievements in the field of plant biotechnology and her previous work in the Committee, all members of the Biotechnology Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences present at the meeting supported the candidacy of Prof. Ewa Łojkowska as the Chairwoman.
The vocation ceremony took place on June 19, 2024 at the Staszic Palace in Warsaw.
Professor Ewa Łojkowska
Employees of the IFB Research and Development Laboratory lead the newly established Branch of the Polish Phytopathological Society in Gdańsk:)
We are extremely pleased to announce that as a result of appreciation of the contribution of employees and doctoral students of the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology to the development of phytopathology in Poland, in May 2024, by decision of the Main Board of the Polish Phytopathological Society (PTFit), the PTFit Branch in Gdańsk was established.
The members of the Branch are employees and doctoral students of the Laboratory of Plant Protection and Biotechnology and the Research and Development Laboratory of MWB UG and GUMed, the Department of Pharmaceutical Microbiology of the Faculty of Pharmacy of GUMed and the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Metallurgy of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
20 June 2024, the Management Board of the PTFit Branch in Gdańsk was established. Dr. Agata Motyka-Pomagruk became the chairman of the Branch, and the deputy chairman is Dr. hab. Krzysztof Waleron, the secretary, Dr. Weronika Babińska-Wensierska, and the treasurer, Dr. hab. Wojciech Śledź.
We invite anyone interested to coollaborate 🙂
We are celebrating 30 years of Laboratory of Plant Protection and Biotechnology!:)
We are extremely pleased to announce that this year we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Laboratory of Plant Protection and Biotechnology of Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk.
We would like to thank the Head of the Laboratory, Prof. Ewa Łojkowska for the opportunity to pursue our passions in a family atmosphere with constant help and support on the extremely satisfying, although sometimes difficult scientific career path.
Employees of ZOBR and the R&D Laboratory
Laboratory of Plant Protection and Biotechnology IFB UG & MUG: from the left prof. Ewa Łojkowska (head), MSc Alicja Dobek, PhD Anna Kawiak, PhD Joanna Jońca, MSc Izabela Perkowska, PhD Weronika Babińska-Wensierska, Prof UG Małgorzata Waleron, PhD Natalia Kaczyńska, PhD eng. Wojciech Śledź, PhD Agata Motyka-Pomagruk, PhD Anna Ihnatowicz
Graphics by Adela Rostek (adelasztukpieknych)
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Eng. Wojciech Śledź, has obtained a habilitation:)
We are extremely pleased to announce that
By resolution of the Council of Biotechnology Discipline at the University of Gdańsk from 17th May 2024
based on the scientific achievement titled: “Development of methods for detecting, identifying and studying the biodiversity of bacterial plant pathogens and the use of cold plasma for their eradication” and assessment of scientific activity
Wojciech Mirosław Śledź
obtained a habilitated doctor’s degree in exact and natural sciences
in the discipline of Biotechnology
We wish our technical manager further success and constant satisfaction from his scientific and research activities:)
dr hab. inż. Wojciech Śledź
Progress in realisation of Preludium 21 (2022/45/N/NZ9/01923) project led by Dr. Weronika Babińska-Wensierska.
We are pleased to inform about the progress in the implementation of the project funded by the National Science Centre, Preludium 21 (2022/45/N/NZ9/01923), led by Dr. Weronika Babińska-Wensierska.
The research conducted within the presented project involves a detailed analysis of the soil microbiome in cultivated land, focusing on its impact on the development of diseases such as black leg and soft rot, caused by pectinolytic bacteria from the Dickeya spp. and Pectobacterium spp.
Head of the Preludium 21 project Dr. Weronika Babińska-Wensierska
The research results collected during the first year of the project were presented in oral and poster presentations at national and international conferences:
- Babińska-Wensierska W., Smorawiński K., Motyka-Pomagruk A., Śledź W., Łojkowoska E. “Biodiversity of bacterial plant pathogens from the Pectobacteriaceae family on Polish waterways” 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Lyon, France, 20-25.08.2023, poster presentation.
- Babińska-Wensierska W., Motyka-Pomagruk A., Fondi M., Mengoni A., Łojkowska E. “Does the microbiome of soil influence development of blackleg and soft rot diseases caused by Pectobacteriaceae?” Pectobacteriaceae satellite event, Lyon, France, 19-20.08.2023, oral presentation.
- Babińska-Wensierska W., Motyka-Pomagruk A., Fondi A., Mengoni A., Łojkowska E. „Czy microbiom gleby uprawnej wpływa na rozwój chorób czarnej nóżki i mokrej zgnilizny wywoływanych przez bakterie pektynolityczne z rodzaju Dickeya i Pectobacterium?” VII National Microbiological Symposium „Metagenomy różnych środowisk”, Lublin, Poland, 20-21.06.2023, oral presentation.
Importantly, the results obtained within the Preludium 21 project were part of Dr. Weronika Babińska-Wensierska’s doctoral dissertation entitled ” Characterisation of the Pectobacterium aquaticum isolated from Polish water in addition to studying the selected virulence and environmental factors important for development of potato blackleg and soft rot diseases”, supervisor: Prof. Ewa Łojkowska, auxiliary supervisor: Dr. Agata Motyka-Pomagruk.
We will keep you updated on further progress in the implementation of the Preludium 21 project.