Exhibition “Pioneers, Researchers, Leaders. Women of Science in Gdańsk was grated a Main Award from Fahrenheit Universities
We are pleased to announce that a 9,000 PLN prize will go to the initiators of the exhibition “Pioneers. Researchers. Leaders. Women of Science in Gdańsk” as this project received the Fahrenheit Universities Award, which is awarded for innovative activities carried out across the three member universities i.e. University of Gdańsk, Medical University of Gdańsk and Gdańsk University of Technology.
The authors of the texts and the concept of the exhibition are: Dr. Ewa Bojaruniec-Król, Monika Głowińska, Marta Szaszkiewicz, Magdalena Jaszcza, prof. Ewa Łojkowska, prof. Beata Mozejko, Magdalena Nieczuja-Goniszewska, Dr. Anna Lepacka and Barbara Ząbczyk-Chmielewska. The organization of the exhibition and debates was possible thanks to the cooperation with the Promotion Office of the Medical University of Gdańsk under the direction of Jolanta Świerczyńska-Krok. The exhibition was designed by Alan Stocki from the University of Gdańsk Press Team.

Dr. Agata Motyka-Pomagruk was granted with Young Fahrenheit Award
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Agata Motyka-Pomagruk was granted with Young Fahrenheit Award in the second edition of this competition. The invention of the laureate and her team, involving Dr. Wojciech Śledź and MSc Weronika Babińska-Wensierska, is a pro-ecological method based on the use of post-plasma solutions to eradicate economically significant phytopathogens and stimulate plant growth.
The main objective of the Young Fahrenheit competition, organized by Univentum Labs in cooperation with the Center for Technology Transfer of the University of Gdańsk, is to search for inventions of a commercialization potential.

2 new projects from NCN will be realised by our laboratory group:)
MSc Weronika Babińska will be heading a new project entitled “Does the microbiome of arable soil affect the development of blackleg and soft rot symptoms caused by pectinolytic bacteria from the genera Dickeya and Pectobacterium (2022/45/N/NZ9/01923) awarded in NCN Preludium 21 competition. The allocated funding is PLN 209 960 PLN.
Also a new project “Development of new processes for the production and sterilization of functional plant drinks using cold atmospheric pressure plasma technology” (2022/45/B/ST8/02410) awarded to Dr. Eng. Anna Dzimitrowicz in NCN OPUS 23 competition will be carried out in a consortium between the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology and the University of Gdańsk. On behalf of the University of Gdańsk, two research teams will be involved in its implementation: the group of Prof. Piotr Stepnowski and our team led by Prof. Ewa Łojkowska. The amount allocated for this project is 1 845 860 PLN

We are glad to invite you for a meeting with the laureate of the City of Gdańsk Scientific Award – Professor Ewa Łojkowska
We have a great pleasure to invite you to a meeting with the head of our laboratory, winner of the Science Award of the City of Gdańsk (2021) named after Jan Heweliusz, prof. Ewa Łojkowska. In her speech, the winner will talk about Plant Biotechnology as a technology that will solve the global food crisis.
The meeting will be held on 24 November 2022 at 18.00 in Old Town Hall, Korzenna 33/35 in Gdańsk.

The visit of Rector of University of Gdańsk in our laboratory
On November 14 2022, the Research & Development Laboratory of the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and MUG located at Podwale Przedmiejskie street has been visited by the Rector of University of Gdańsk Prof. Piotr Stepnowski accompanied by the Chancellor of the University of Gdańsk, MSc Jacek Jętczak, Dean of the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and MUG PhD Ewelina Król, Prof. UG, Director of the University Center for Applied and Interdisciplinary Research Prof. Krzysztof Bielawski and the Director of the Institute of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk, Prof. Bogdan Banecki.
The head of the Laboratory, Prof. Ewa Łojkowska started the meeting by introducing the history of this unit. Our laboratory started its activity in 2012 in the previous building of the Faculty of Biology of University of Gdańsk. In 2016, it has been moved into several modern laboratory rooms previously occupied by IFB UG and MUG. Dr eng. Wojciech Śledź, technical manager of R &D lab of UG and MUG, described the structure of the laboratory and discussed the process of introducing the Quality Management System compliant with the ISO 17025:2018-02 standard into our work. He also focused on the activities that led to acqusition of accreditation of the Polish Center for Accreditation by our laboratory in 2020. The laboratory has already passed the accreditation extension procedure twice. It is also worth emphasizing that our laboratory is the only unit at UG with a certificate given by the Polish Center for Accreditation. Dr. Wojciech Śledź also discussed the scientific, implementation and service activities carried out by R&D lab, that for many years provided support for Polish growers in terms of detection and identification of bacterial phytopathogens in crop plants. It is worth noting that the research carried out at R&D lab is of great practical importance, as it contributes to the reduction of the spread of phytopathogenic bacteria, e.g. during the export of seed material to the countries of southern Europe and North Africa. The visitors were also taken to a specialized quarantine laboratory, designed to work with pathogens subjected to compulsory control, and viewed the well-equipped laboratory rooms in which molecular tests are carried out allowing for the detection of plant pathogens.
During the discussion, further goals and directions of the Research and Development Laboratory were defined. We tend to respond to the current market needs and effectively combine science with business. Apart from the visitors and the laboratory management, the meeting was also attended by the employees of R & D Lab: Dr. Natasza Kaczyńska, Dr. Agata Motyka-Pomagruk and Mr. Weronika Babińska.

Visit of the Rector of University of Gdańsk, prof. Piotr Stepnowski in the research & development laboratory. From the left: Director of the UG Institute of Biotechnology, Prof. Bogdan Banecki, Rector of the University of Gdańsk Prof. Piotr Stepnowski, Dean of the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of the University of Gdańsk and the MUG Prof. UG Ewelina Król, Director of the University Center for Applied and Interdisciplinary Research Prof. Krzysztof Bielawski, technical manager in the research and development laboratory Dr. eng. Wojciech Śledź, head of the research and development laboratory Prof. Ewa Łojkowska, employee of the research and development laboratory MSc Weronika Babińska, deputy head of quality in the research and development laboratory Dr. Agata Motyka-Pomagruk, quality manager in the research and development laboratory Dr. Natalia Kaczyńska and the Chancellor of University of Gdańsk, MSc Jacek Jętczak.

A Special Award from the Polish Association of Pharmaceutical Industry Employers in the XII Student-Inventor competition
We are pleased to announce that MSc eng. Dominik Terefinko was awarded with a Special Prize from Polish Association of Pharmaceutical Industry Employers for invention entitled “Method of deactivating endocrine active compounds in water solutions” in the XII edition of the Student-Inventor competition.
This solution is a result of fruitful cooperation between researchers from University of Gdańsk and Wrocław University of Science and Technology in the frames of Sonata 15 (2019/35/D/ST8/04107) project granted to Dr. eng. Anna Dzimitrowicz. Authors of the invention:
- Dr. eng. Anna Dzimitrowicz
- Prof. UG Magda Caban
- Dr. Agata Motyka-Pomagruk
- Prof. PWr Piotr Jamróz
- Dr. eng. Piotr Cyganowski
- MSc Dominik Terefinko
- Dr eng. Wojciech Śledź
- Prof. Piotr Stepnowski
- Prof. Paweł Pohl
Congratulations to Dominik and big thanks for appreciating our work:)

Realisation of NCN Sonata 15 project (2019/35/D/ST8/04107)
We would like to inform you about the progress made in the realisation of the Sonata 15 project (2019/35/D/ST8/04107), which was granted by the National Science Center to Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Leader) in a consortium with University of Gdańsk.
The head of the project from the Leader side is Dr. hab. Anna Patrycja Dzimitrowicz from Wrocław University of Science and Technology, and from the partner part, Dr. Eng. Wojciech Śledź. Our fruitful cooperation has resulted in dissemination of the research results in the form of numerous conference reports and so far two scientific publications:

Head of the Sonata 15 project Dr. hab. eng. Anna Dzimitrowicz (from the left) and Dr. Agata Motyka-Pomagruk (from the right)
→ Dzimitrowicz, Anna, Agata Motyka-Pomagruk, Piotr Cyganowski, Piotr Jamroz, Dominik Terefinko, Pawel Pohl, Tymoteusz Klis, and Magda Caban. “Cold atmospheric pressure plasmas as versatile tools for effective degradation of a mixture of hazardous and endocrine disturbing compounds from liquid wastes.” Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9, no. 6 (2021): 106718.
→ Dzimitrowicz, Anna, Magda Caban, Dominik Terefinko, Pawel Pohl, Piotr Jamroz, Weronika Babinska, Piotr Cyganowski et al. “Application of pulse-modulated radio-frequency atmospheric pressure glow discharge for degradation of doxycycline from a flowing liquid solution.” Scientific reports 12, no. 1 (2022): 1-16.
In the course of the project, we also prepared 5 patent applications, including 1 international in the PCT procedure:
→ „Method of degrading antibiotics from aqueous solutions by using cold atmospheric pressure plasma generated in a flowing plasma brush and a plasma brush intended for this method.” International patent application in PCT mode PCT/PL2022/050027 from 2022-05-06. Authors: Anna Dzimitrowicz, Agata Motyka-Pomagruk, Magda Caban, Weronika Babińska, Dominik Terefinko, Wojciech Śledź, Piotr Jamróz, Piotr Cyganowski, Ewa Łojkowska, Piotr Stepnowski, Paweł Pohl (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, University of Gdańsk).
→ ,,Sposób eradykacji drobnoustrojów chorobotwórczych z powierzchni płaskich lub tkanki skórnej oraz układ do realizacji tego sposobu” Patent application no. P.441356 from 2022-06-02. Authors: Motyka-Pomagruk Agata, Śledź Wojciech, Prusiński Michał, Orłowski Jakub, Babińska Weronika, Łojkowska Ewa, Dzimitrowicz Anna, Jamróz Piotr, Pohl Paweł (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, University of Gdańsk).
→ ,,Sposób dezaktywacji związków endokrynnie czynnych z roztworów wodnych” Patent application no. P.438832 from 2021-08-27. Authors: Dzimitrowicz Anna, Śledź Wojciech, Caban Magda, Jamróz Piotr, Motyka-Pomagruk Agata, Cyganowski Piotr, Terefinko Dominik, Stepnowski Piotr, Pohl Paweł (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, University of Gdańsk).
→ ,,Sposób degradacji antybiotyków z roztworów wodnych z zastosowaniem nietermicznej plazmy atmosferycznej” Patent application no. P.437603 from 2021-04-17. Authors: Dzimitrowicz Anna, Śledź Wojciech, Caban Magda, Jamróz Piotr, Motyka-Pomagruk Agata, Babińska Weronika, Cyganowski Piotr, Terefinko Dominik, Stepnowski Piotr, Pohl Paweł, Łojkowska Ewa (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, University of Gdańsk).
→ „Sposób rozkładu antybiotyków z roztworów wodnych z zastosowaniem zimnej plazmy atmosferycznej, generowanej w przepływowej szczotce plazmowej oraz szczotka plazmowa do realizacji tego sposobu” patent application no. P.440185 from 2022-01-20. Authors: Anna Dzimitrowicz, Agata Motyka-Pomagruk, Magda Caban, Weronika Babińska, Dominik Terefinko, Wojciech Śledź, Piotr Jamróz, Piotr Cyganowski, Ewa Łojkowska, Piotr Stepnowski, Paweł Pohl (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, University of Gdańsk).
It is worth noting that the idea of degradation of antibiotics with the use of cold atmospheric plasmas developed in the Sonata 15 project won the Main Prize in the Eureka! DGP competition (2022)

Dr. eng. Wojciech Śledź – head from the partner side of Sonata 15 (in front). Prof. Paweł Pohl (in the back).

Head of the Sonata 15 project Dr. hab. eng. Anna Dzimitrowicz (from the left) and Dr. Agata Motyka-Pomagruk (from the right)
We will inform you about the next successes in the course of the project realisation 🙂

We presented the results of our research at the EAPR conference in Krakow
On 4-8 July 2022 we had the pleasure to participate in an international conference 21th Triennial Conference European Association for Potato Research in Krakow (Poland), during which we disseminated our research results in a form of the following presentations:
-> ,,Application of a dielectric-barrier discharge plasma for eradication of plant pathogens, Dickeya and Pectobacterium spp., from a surface of economically important seeds” – oral presentation given by Jakub Orłowski
-> ,,Structural diversity of O-antigens in Pectobacterium parmentieri lipopolysaccharides” – poster presentation given by Dr. Natalia Kaczyńska
-> ,,Cold atmospheric pressure plasmas (CAPs) for eradication of soft rot Pectobacteriaceae” – poster presentation given by Dr. eng. Wojciech Śledź

Presentation of our research outcomes at the international conferences ICPPB and IEW
On 2-8 July 2022 we were participating in international conferences 14th International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria and 4th International Erwinia Workshop in Assisi (Italy), where we have presented our research outcomes. Our involvment in the conferences:
-> ,,Searching for the correlation between the occurrence of blackleg and soft rot diseases and the composition of soil microbiome in potato fields” – oral presentation given by MSc Weronika Babińska on 4th IEW
-> ,,Direct and indirect application of cold atmospheric pressure plasmas for eradication and limitation of spread of soft rot Pectobacteriaceae” – oral presentation given by Dr. Agata Motyka-Pomagruk on 4th IEW
-> ,,Responses of Arabidopsis thaliana plants with disturbed coumarin accumulation to Dickeya dadantii and Dickeya solani infection” – poster prepared by Prof. Ewa Łojkowska for 4th IEW
-> ,,Comparison of the phenotype and genomic features of plant pathogenic bacteria from the species Dickeya solani and Pectobacterium parmentieri” – poster prepared by Prof. Ewa Łojkowska for 14th ICPPB
-> ,,Elucidation of the chemical structures of the O-specific polysaccharides within the lipopolysaccharides of diverse soft rot Pectobacteriaceae” – oral presentation given by Dr. Agata Motyka-Pomagruk on 14th ICPPB
-> ,,Application of MALDI-TOF MS technology for fast and accurate identification of phytopathogenic bacteria from different species of Pectobacteriaceae” – poster prepared by Dr. Agata Motyka-Pomagruk for 14th ICPPB
-> ,,Could the degradation of antibiotics using cold atmospheric pressure plasma brushes have an impact on the multidrug resistance of various pathogens” – poster prepared by MSc Weronika Babińska for 14th ICPPB
-> ,,Are the waterways important paths of spreading plant pathogenic bacteria from the genera Dickeya and Pectobacterium?” – poster prepared by MSc Weronika Babińska for 14th ICPPB

The participants of 14th International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria in Assisi (Italy) 3-8 July 2022