Eureka! Our invention nominated to the main prize
20 inventions have been nominated to the main award in the VII Eureka! DGP competition. Each of them shall be described in a series of articles published in “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”.
Among the nominated inventions there is an approach proposed by our research teams from Univeristy of Gdańsk and Wroclaw Univeristy of Science and Technology named “Method for eradication of bacterial phytopathogens”. Authors:
- Dr eng. Anna Dzimitrowicz
- Dr Agata Motyka-Pomagruk
- Dr eng. Piotr Jamróz
- Dr eng. Wojciech Śledź
- MSc Weronika Babińska
- Professor Ewa Łojkowska
- Professor Paweł Pohl
Thank you for appreciation of our work:)

MSc Weronika Babińska awarded in ‘Student-Inventor’ competition
MSc Weronika Babińska has been awarded in 10th edition of a nationwide ‘Student-Inventor’ competition.
Our PhD student got a special prize from the President of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland for the invention ‘A method to obtain preparation for plant growth stimulation, formulation of the product generated by these means and application of this solution to stimulate plant growth, especially in the case of economically significant plants’.
Co-authors of this invention: Dr. Agata Motyka-Pomagruk, Dr. eng. Anna Dzimitrowicz, Dr. eng. Wojciech Śledź, Prof. Paweł Pohl, Dr. eng. Piotr Jamróz, MSc Dominik Terefinko, Prof. Ewa Łojkowska

Dr. Natalia Kaczynska joins our research team
Dr. Natalia Kaczyńska joined our research team.
By now her scientific interests covered molecular determinants in the interaction of plant pathogenic bacteria from the species Dickeya solani and Pectobacterium atrosepticum under different temperatures. After defending a thesis on this subject she obtained a PhD in biology (discipline: biochemistry) on 07.12.18.
She co-authored scientific publications released in JCR list journals i.e. European Journal of Plant Pathology and Plant Pathology.
She gained experience in acredited commercial laboratories and Inspectorates of Plant Health and Seed Inspection.

We organize practical laboratory courses for students
We organize practical laboratory courses for high and primary school students.
Are you willing to test whether working as a mad scientist is for You?
Contact us!
13-17.01.2020 thanks to EU funding (within the Starbios 2 project) we will be conducting practical microbiology workshop for best students from 6 Tricity schools.

Merry Christmas from our Lab team:)
Merry Christmas to our clients, collaborators and supporters:):):)

OPUS 17 grant from National Science Centre has been awarded to Dr. eng. Wojciech Śledź
An OPUS 17 grant application entitled ‘Assessment of the antibacterial properties of post-plasma solutions generated with the use of cold atmospheric pressure plasmas against economically important phytopathogens and impact of the obtained liquids on the growth of crops and vegetables’ was awarded with 1,195,340 PLN funding by the National Science Centre in Poland to Dr eng. Wojciech Śledź.
These studies will be conducted in a Research Consortium between University of Gdańsk and the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
A full list of beneficiaries and summaries of the proposed research are available on the website of the National Science Centre.

Prof. Ewa Łojkowska has been elected to the Scientific Council of the Biology Discipline at the University of Gdansk
Professor Ewa Łojkowska has been elected by the employees of the University of Gdańsk conducting research in the field of biological sciences to the Scientific Council of the Biology Discipline at the University of Gdańsk.
The aforementioned body will be responsible for, among others, awarding and evaluating scientific degrees and titles.

Prof. Ewa Łojkowska among the panelists of the conference ‘Women know what they are doing’
On 26 of October 2019, Prof. Ewa Łojkowska participated as a panelist in the conference ‘Women know what they are doing’ that took place in Gdansk. During the panel ‘Women to Women’, chaired by Katarzyna Pawłowska vice-chief of the ‘Wysokie Obcasy’ supplement to Gazeta Wyborcza newspaper, Prof. Ewa Łojkowska shared experience from the academic sector:
– Women constitute only 11 percent of the professors in Poland. Though the situation is better than even several years ago. I work with lots of PhD students that know exactly what they want to do in life, and do not give up family life if they don’t really want to – said Prof. Łojkowska.
Report (in Polish) from this event is available on the ‘Wysokie Obcasy’ official website.

Lab members awarded by the Rector of UG
His magnificence, the Rector of the University of Gdansk awarded the members of our research group with the 1st degree Team Award for a series of 5 publications released in 2018 on the genomic characteristics of bacteria from the species Dickeya solani and Pectobacterium parmentieri, as well as development of innovative methods of their eradication.
The awarded team includes: Prof. Ewa Łojkowska, Dr eng. Wojciech Śledź, Dr Agata Motyka-Pomagruk, Dr Sabina Żołędowska, Dr Marta Potrykus and Dr Małgorzata Golanowska.

Involvement in BioArt exhibition
Head of our Laboratory, Prof. Ewa Łojkowska, participated in preparation of an exhibition of Zbigniew Oksiuta entitled ‘STUDIOLO. Cosmic gardens’ in collaboration with Centre for Contemporary Art Laznia in the frames of Art + Science Meeting series.
The vernissage took place on 09.08.19 at 18.00 in the Laznia 2 building, 5 Strajku Dokerów street in Gdansk Nowy Port.
More information about this event can be found on the official website of the Centre for Contemporary Art Laznia.