Merry Christmas from our research group:)
Merry Christmas from the research group of R&D Laboratory to our supporters, clients and collaborators:):):)

Realization of the NCN Preludium Bis-1 project under the supervision of Prof. Ewa Łojkowska
We are pleased to announce a progress in the realisation of the NCN Preludium Bis-1 project (2019/35/O/NZ1/02751) granted to Prof. Ewa Łojkowska. A PhD student, Izabela Perkowska, who won the competition for the scholarship planned as a part of the project, is also involved in realisation of the research tasks. The project concerns the understanding of the role and mechanism of regulation of the expression of genes encoding dioxygenases in the process of plant adaptation to grow and develop on land. It is worth emphasizing that dioxygenases are the main group of enzymes involved in degradation of aromatic compounds.
During the course of the project, the research team has already collected very interesting data on the relationship between the accumulation of coumarins, iron deficiency and the susceptibility of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana to Dickeya infection.
The following outcomes deserve special attention:
→ optimizing the growth of Arabidopsis thaliana in hydroponic cultures under conditions of abiotic stress (different levels of iron ions) and biotic stress (after inoculation of plants with a suspension of Dickeya sp.).
→ development of the 6-point disease severity scale (DSS)
→ optimization of the method for testing of the expression level of dioxygenases genes in plants inoculated with Dickeya strains
We kindly encourage you to read this research work:
→ Perkowska, I., Potrykus, M., Siwinska, J., Siudem, D., Lojkowska, E., & Ihnatowicz, A. (2021). Interplay between coumarin accumulation, iron deficiency and plant resistance to Dickeya spp. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22 (12), 6449.
In addition, the outcomes of the project have been presented so far at two scientific conferences:
• 10th Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology Virtual Conference, Katowice 20/09/2021 – 23/09/2021. Oral presentation entitled: “Effect of combined environmental stresses on plant health: study using the model system of Arabidopsis thaliana/Dickeya spp. Molecular interactions”
Presentation by Izabela Perkowska; authors: Izabela Perkowska Marta Potrykus, Joanna Siwińska, Dominika Siudem, Ewa Łojkowska, Anna Ihnatowicz
• 31st International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, ICAR2021 Virtual Conference June 21, 2021 – June 25, 2021. Poster presentation: “Effect of iron deficiency on infection symptoms caused by Dickeya spp. in Arabidopsis thaliana” Izabela Perkowska, Marta Potrykus, Joanna Siwińska, Dominika Siudem, Ewa Łojkowska, Anna Ihnatowicz
and during a popularisation of science meeting:
• “Młodzi dla Fahrenheita” – popular science conference (Young for Fahrenheit), Gdańsk, Poland November 17, 2021. Oral presentation entitled: “W służbie roślinom i ludziom. Identyfikacja genów zaangażowanych w biosyntezę roślinnych związków farmakologicznie czynnych” by Izabela Perkowska

Realization of the NCN Opus 17 project led by Dr. Wojciech Śledź
We would like to keep you informed about the progress in realization of OPUS 17 project (2019/33/B/NZ9/00940) granted by the National Science Center in Poland.
Fruitful cooperation with the research team of Dr. eng. Anna Patrycja Dzimitrowicz from Wrocław University of Science and Technology, contributed to dissemination of the research results in the form of four scientific publications:

Collaborators in the OPUS 17 project (from left): Prof. Paweł Pohl, Dr. eng. Anna Dzimitrowicz (head of the project from PWr), Dr. eng. Piotr Jamróz, Dr. Agata Motyka-Pomagruk, Dr. eng. Wojciech Śledź (head of the project).
→ Dzimitrowicz, Anna, Piotr Jamroz, Pawel Pohl, Weronika Babinska, Dominik Terefinko, Wojciech Sledz, and Agata Motyka-Pomagruk. “Multivariate optimization of the FLC-dc-APGD-based reaction-discharge system for continuous production of a plasma-activated liquid of defined physicochemical and anti-phytopathogenic properties.” International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22, no. 9 (2021): 4813.
→ Motyka-Pomagruk, Agata, Anna Dzimitrowicz, Jakub Orlowski, Weronika Babinska, Dominik Terefinko, Michal Rychlowski, Michal Prusinski et al. “Implementation of a non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma for eradication of plant pathogens from a surface of economically important seeds.” International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22, no. 17 (2021): 9256.
→ Babinska, Weronika, Agata Motyka-Pomagruk, Wojciech Sledz, Agnieszka Kowalczyk, Zbigniew Kaczynski, and Ewa Lojkowska. “The first Polish isolate of a novel species Pectobacterium aquaticum originates from a Pomeranian Lake.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 9 (2021): 5041.
→ Dzimitrowicz, Anna, Pawel Pohl, Magda Caban, Piotr Jamroz, Piotr Cyganowski, Mateusz Bykowski, Aleksandra Klimczak, and Aleksandra Bielawska-Pohl. “How does direct current atmospheric pressure glow discharge application influence on physicochemical, nutritional, microbiological, and cytotoxic properties of orange juice?.” Food Chemistry 377 (2022): 131903.
And two patents and one patent application:
→ ,,Sposób eradykacji bakteryjnych fitopatogenów oraz przepływowy układ reakcyjno-wykładowczy do realizacji tego sposobu”. Patent no. Pat. 236055 from 2020-07-24. Authors: Łojkowska Ewa, Śledź Wojciech, Motyka Agata, Anna Dzimitrowicz, Piotr Jamróz and Paweł Pohl from University of Gdansk and Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
→ ,,Sposób otrzymania preparatu do stymulacji wzrostu roślin, preparat otrzymany tym sposobem oraz zastosowanie preparatu do stymulacji wzrostu roślin, w szczególności tych istotnych gospodarczo”. Patent no. Pat.236377 from 2020-03-17. Authors: Agata Motyka-Pomagruk, Anna Dzimitrowicz, Weronika Babińska, Wojciech Śledź, Paweł Pohl, Piotr Jamróz, Dominik Terefinko and Ewa Łojkowska from University of Gdansk and Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
→ ,,Sposób ochrony roślin istotnych gospodarczo, zwłaszcza roślin naczyniowych, przed patogenami bakteryjnymi” Patent application no. P.438360 from 2021-07-06. Authors: Dzimitrowicz Anna, Jamróz Piotr, Pohl Paweł, Terefinko Dominik, Motyka-Pomagruk Agata, Babińska Weronika, Śledź Wojciech, Łojkowska Ewa, Orłowski Jakub and Prusiński Michał from University of Gdansk and Wroclaw University of Science and Technology