We obtained a new patent:)
17.02.2020 Patent Office of the Republic of Poland granted us a patent for a new invention entitled ,,Method of production of a plant growth stimulant, the preparation obtained in this way and application of this formulation for plant growth promotion, especially of species of high economic value”:)
This invention is a result of fruitful collaboration between...
Eureka! Our invention nominated to the main prize
20 inventions have been nominated to the main award in the VII Eureka! DGP competition. Each of them shall be described in a series of articles published in “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”.
Among the nominated inventions there is an approach proposed by our research teams from Univeristy of Gdańsk and Wroclaw Univeristy of Science and Technology named “Method for...
MSc Weronika Babińska awarded in ‘Student-Inventor’ competition
MSc Weronika Babińska has been awarded in 10th edition of a nationwide ‘Student-Inventor’ competition.
Our PhD student got a special prize from the President of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland for the invention ‘A method to obtain preparation for plant growth stimulation, formulation of the product generated by these means and application of...
Dr. Natalia Kaczynska joins our research team
Dr. Natalia Kaczyńska joined our research team.
By now her scientific interests covered molecular determinants in the interaction of plant pathogenic bacteria from the species Dickeya solani and Pectobacterium atrosepticum under different temperatures. After defending a thesis on this subject she obtained a PhD in biology (discipline: biochemistry) on 07.12.18.