DATE: 24-25.04.2025 PRICE: 1440 PLN + 23% VAT

Laboratory methods of plant cultivation and micropropagation (in vitro, hydroponics). Basic course.
Who is invited?
We cordially invite researchers, technical workers, representatives of agriculture and business in addition to students interested in broadly understood natural sciences and willing to expand their competences with in vitro plant cultivation methods by participating in a practical course from this field.
Do you want to learn about the applications of in vitro plant cultivation in science, pharmacy and industry? Are you wondering how to grow plants according to this methodology in practice? How to obtain a whole plant from a piece of leaf? How to grow wound tissue, callus or hairy roots? Do you want to perform laboratory experiments yourself and obtain proven protocols useful for further research work? Do you want to work under the supervision of qualified specialists from IFB UG & GUMed? The course we propose is just for YOU:)
During the course you will learn not only how to work in in vitro plant laboratory, but also learn about modern techniques of vegetative propagation of plants in laboratory conditions – you will see how plants grow in liquid cultures and on plates, how parts of their organs look under a microscope, you will get to know how to use laboratory equipment, prepare reagents, media and microscopic samples. You will see how interesting are the shapes of plant cells under a microscope, you will conduct an experiment of introducing a selected plant to in vitro cultures under the supervision of specialists.
Day I
- Health and safety rules in the in vitro plant culture laboratory – laboratory equipment, personal protective equipment
- Theoretical introduction enriched with multimedia presentations and films: types of plant cultures conducted in vitro, composition of media for conducting in vitro cultures, use of totipotency phenomenon for plant regeneration, stress conditions and elicitation with phytohormones, sterilization of media, seeds and plant tissues.
- Using basic laboratory equipment in the in vitro plant culture laboratory. How to operate scales, pipettes, pH meters, autoclaves, biological safety chambers, phytotrons?
- Good laboratory practices
- Preparation of media for plant cultivation in vitro
- Risks related to contamination of media – how to avoid them?
Day II
- Theoretical introduction enriched with multimedia presentations and films, including the use of in vitro cultures in science, nature conservation, food production, medicines and ornamental plants
- Plant micropropagation
- Seed sterilization and setting up in vitro plate and liquid cultures
- Introduction of plants to in vitro cultures
- Microscopic visualizations
- Getting to know the methods of plant cultivation in a hydroponic system
During the course you will on your own: prepare and use laboratory equipment, prepare media and reagents for in vitro plant cultivation, you will establish in vitro plant cultures on solid and liquid media, you will perform microscopic visualizations of plant preparations.
General Information
The course will be conducted in small groups (up to 8 people) in the Research & Development Laboratory of IFB UG & MUG (20 Podwale Przedmiejskie street, 80-824 Gdańsk, Poland). Each participant will conduct experiments on his own under the supervision of our specialists in order to obtain the necessary laboratory practice. The courses will be conducted by experienced academia teachers and practitions. Each day two coffee breaks and a lunch will be provided. The participants will receive certificates confirming acquisition of the practical skills.
If you need a specialized course from the field of science popularisation, molecular biology, microbiology, ISO standards, bioinformatics or chemistry feel free to contact our team. We collaborate with specialists from various fields and may prepare an individual offer for your group. Contact details:
dr Agata Motyka-Pomagruk (agata.motyka-pomagruk@ug.edu.pl; +48 606 406 058)
dr Wojciech Śledź (wojciech.sledz@biotech.ug.edu.pl; +48 603 297 737)
*VAT exemption
In the case of participation in the training of an employee raising professional qualifications and financing from public funds, it is possible to obtain a tax exemption after providing an appropriate statement. The statement should be signed by an authorized person. The scanned statement should be sent during registration for the course; the original can be delivered on the start date.